wireless Device cost + Lan Cable + Router cost should be paid. However, if you need more or cable-laying through casing and capping will be charged at Rs.15 per meter. The same is payable directly to the authorised employee or Installation executive. Also if your building doesnt meet the signal requirements, we will need to do some height solutions like we will need a 20ft or 40ft pipe solution. Most of the cases, a 20ft pipe does the job. But if your building is like 1-storey only, then for sure, a 40ft pipe is needed. We need the customer to arrange this and then call us for final installation. If the customer needs us to get it arranged for them, you have to pay premium. So, its always better if you could get it arranged yourself and save the extra money! For accessories like cable, you may ask for a tax bill from the us, make sure, the tax is paid. And for pipe solution, you wont be receiving any tax bill, since its our of our service addon, but its just to met the signal requirements. So, you may either buy it yourself, or ask our team to get it for you, but jetspot accounts have nothing to do with the pipe solution, whatsoever.